If you would like to join the BMRA for the first time, or you would simply like to renew your membership, you can now do so in two ways:
1) Our preferred method is by Bank Transfer (BACS):
Please transfer £5 to the BMRA bank account (details below). Please ensure you note your address in the BACS payment details field - otherwise we will not know who the money is from! Then please can you email info@burymeadow.co.uk to confirm the payment, including your name, address and if you would like to receive BMRA email notifications, or not.
Bank Transfer Details:
Lloyds Bank
Bury Meadow Residents Association
Sort Code: 30-93-14
Account Number: 05759539
2) By Cash:
Please place a £5 in an envelope with your name and address. Address the envelope to BMRA Treasurer and drop the envelope off at 4 Velwell Road. Note, if you would like to receive the BMRA email notifications, please include your email.